(a Failed Amaliyah Concept)
From a lecturer assistance to become Doughnuts Supplier Owner
After a series of alleged terror involving Oman, such as suicide bombing in Kampung Melayu, Sarinah Thamrin bombing, Samarinda Church bombing, North Sumatra Police Headquarters Attacking, Police Attacking in Bima West Nusa Tenggara, and the latest series of terror; Violence at the Brimob Prison in Kelapa Dua, Suicide Bombing in Surabaya, Sidoarjo bombing and Attacking on Personnel at Riau Police Headquarters in early May this year has catapulted the news about the atrocity of Oman or Aman figure who is the original Abdurachman son of Mr. Ade Sudarma.
Judging from the physical and appearance during the trial and when he appeared in the media, actually there is nothing so special, especially interesting things from the figure of Oman. With the appearance of “Dingy”, with a messy beard, long hair, and with Afghan-style headgear that is installed as is, the man born in Sumedang on January 5, 1972 is seen appearing with great confidence. The questions asked by the Judge were always answered firmly, calmly and with confidence. Legal advisor who is a legal right and as a complete judicial system for the convicted person is not a basic need for him.
The last man who lives in the Bakti Abri street Gang Adul Kampung Sindang Karsa Rt 03/08 Sukamaju district Cimanggis Depok district, is the fourth child of eight siblings and has two sons from his marriage with his idol woman from the same village named Ratu Lina Rusliawati whom he married on June 5, 1999 in Kampung Cipanteneun Rt 01 Rw 07 Licin Village Cimalaka Sub District Sumedang. From the results of search and dialogue with various sources the authors were informed that actually Oman is a smart young man. He received a cum laude academic degree upon graduation from LIPIA (Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences) at Salemba in 1999. High school education he completed at the MAPK (Special School Madrasah Aliah Program) in Ciamis in 1992, Junior High School Education was completed in Sumedang at MTSN (Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri) in 1989 and Elementary School he completed at SDN Cimalaka in 1986.
After graduating from college and married Oman settled in Depok. From 1999 to May 2000 he became a lecturer at Pesantren Tahfidzh Alquran Alhikmah and at the same time as coordinator of Al Qur’an Instructor Cadet in Memorizing Alquran in Cirebon. From June 2000 to April 2003 he became the Imam of Al-Sofwa Lenteng Agung Mosque in South Jakarta. in the midst of his preoccupation with Islam he also became a Lecturer in LIPIA for one year. In May and June 2003 he became Head of Pesantren Darul Ulum Ciapus Bogor and Lecturer at Da’wah Islamiyah Academy in Leauwiliang Bogor West Java. And from 2003 upto when he was arrested (first arresting) he worked as Doughnuts supplier in Leauwiliang with a profit-sharing system. He gives the capital to one or two people to buy and sell Donuts with 50% profit sharing
Imaginary Amaliyah Concept
One’s acceptance of a concept of thinking between one person and another is very different. The environment, the family, the educational level and who initiated the concept is the main factor of a person accepting the concept or not. The concept of thinking is also influenced by who is delivering. It means planting doctrine from who or who’s teacher. To find out the degree of Oman Radicalism a few days ago in a discussion, the author asked a friend about the meaning of “jihad”. The author asked him because the author thinks this one friend is very familiar with Islamic history.
In general he explained that jihad is derived from the Arabic word “judhun” which means strength, and “jahada” which means effort. Jihad is an attempt to reach the righteous path of faith, with all the strength and power of oneself. He reminds that the true in the Qur’an The definition of Jihad is limited to; Jihad against a real enemy, Jihad against Satan, Jihad against lust. The theme of jihad and the same root with jihad itself are only mentioned as 41 times described various letters in the Qur’an. In the explanation there are listed in the form of *fi’il* (verb) and some are listed in the form of *ism* (noun). And there is not a single sentence that justifies a person killing to convince, force others, to participate in his Ideology.
The great sin he says kills mankind creation of Allah SWT is weak and careless without resistance. What’s more suicide using a bomb. He explained that understanding jihad narrowly, then the context is “War” and killing people haphazardly. From trial to trial which occupied Oman as the defendant there are some information that can be concluded and which identifies that Oman is a very radical person. He is a true Radicalist. There are several things that escape from public observations, among others; 1) That Oman is a man who belongs to Tauhid wal Jihad ideology is the ideology of jihad that emerged in Iraq in 2001. 2) Another fact that Aman is a salifi becomes takfiri jihadi seen from his strong desire and ability that has translated more than 50 books written by Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi radicalist who originated from Jordan. 3) In the end to achieve ideological ideals Aman participates in the formation of Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) whose leader is Amir Jamaah Islamiyah Abu Bakar Baasyir.
Can also be understood in terms of appearance and style that Oman is embracing salafi flow that embraces the teachings of Al-Sunnah Waljamaah who hold on the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Apostle according to the understanding of As-Salaf Ash Salih namely the understanding held by Rasullullah, his companions and people who follow well. Then some friends of Oman made a group of tawhid studies. To this group consisting of severe Oman friends, among others; Ferdiansyah alias Abu haya, Syarif hidayat, Andri Susanro alias khalid whose house burned, Agus susanto alias Mus’ab, Teguh alias Jacob, Edi alias Saad, Kamaludin, Hadi alias Ubaidah, Teguh alias Usama, Ahmad Melan, Kodrat, Ridwan, Job alias Daeng, Amar alias Wedi. Then also join them a man named Aaron who met Aman near the end of Ramadhon at Alhikmah Mosque of Tanjung Barat. From communication with Aaron arose the initiative to make Aaron as coach or supervisor of Amaliyah activity.
Aaron undertakes to prepare the material of the Amaliyah IDAD (Preparation) which contains various activities such as; physical exercise, weapons, disguises and explosions. Especially the manager (Oman) to this group he taught the Science of Fiqh and the Science of Tawheed. This group is a closed and exclusive loyal student who is very diligent in following the study of Oman. After the Exercise in the field of UI Depok, ideas arise to learn to make Bombs as an important part of IDAD. Then for that purpose Harun and Oman prepared the theoretical lessons how to make Bombs. For starters to this exclusive group they provide the theory of bombs in general terms only. Then after theoretically considered quite mature, then Materials bomb material they buy. How to get the money? Certainly because Oman had not enough money they collect by joint venture. For those who are unable to contribute enough to watch and get into practice, and most importantly to provide mental support. Not divulging activities.
The group is closed group with closed movement (Tanzim ziri). At every occasion Oman always explained that the conditions conveyed by Aaron (Counselor) must be strictly adhered to be able to follow the training to Amaliyah and war for the perfect jihadist are 1) Have a good understanding of Tawheed. 2) Can keep the Secret so as not to leak to other Jamaah or anyone else. 3) consider the advantage and disadvantage or good and bad judgment.
Oman explained in the trial that for the theory training to the group was given at home Syarif hidayat. The types of material theories provided are 1) military physical exercise, loading and unloading of weapons, the way of bomb blasting and disguise. 2) military movements such as tiger jumps, monkey roads, cat paths and rolling. 3) ways of self-protection from monitoring and sight. 4) special lessons for making a homemade bomb which made of sulfur etc. (the authors do not explain here).
It is interesting that for the interest of Tanzim ziri – in the learning process there should be no record. Even if there are note had made after that should be dismissed. Except for two persons appointed for evaluation purposes only. As for the plans and practices to be made is the assembly of Bombs of Fire and the Bomb of explosive. Especially for this IDAD Instructor, Aaron appointed. To prepare for making bombs then instruct harun to look for Potassium, charcoal, sulfur and lemonade straw. Then with great care and closed they begin practicing the theories they have learned together. When trying to make that firebomb. The bomb then suddenly exploded and grabbed some of the house. Because it has been targeted and followed long by the authorities.
Eventually Oman was arrested. Oman was arrested for the first time on 21 March 2004 when they were panicking to extinguish the blaze caused by a fire bomb at home where he contracted. The house belongs to the father-in-law of his friend Andri Susanto alias Khalid named mother Sugeng in the Bakti Abri street Gang Adul Kampung Sindang Karsa Rt 03/08 Sukamaju village Cimanggis District Depok. The fires caused by the bombs that were assembled exploded prematurely. Many media at that time called it “premature bomb” even foreign newspapers called it “premateur home made bomb”. In the series of arrests Oman is not alone. He was arrested along with several other friends in their Tanzim Ziri group such as Ferdiansyah alias Abu Haya, Syarif Hidayat, Andri Susanto alias Khalid whose house was burnt, Agus susanto alias Mus’ab, Teguh alias Jacob. Be the concept of Oman amaliyah into an imperfect and failing concept. That is a glimpse of Oman Rachman alias Aman alias Abduraman alias Oman is the ISIS promoter in Indonesia and the boss of doughnuts supplier.
May be useful.